"Miss the boat hunh! It's a maritime expression or so I would assume and for someone who was brought up in Lahore and not Karachi it perhaps reflects The Khan's intent to focus on Karachi as the engine of growth - I mean aren't most of his advisors from Karachi - there is Razzak Dawood with the majority of Descon shares, then there is Ishrat Hussian..."
"Who is a perennial candidate for caretaker prime minister though so far he has been unsuccessful."
"Perhaps The Khan will make his dream come true after four and a half years or so when the next caretakers are due to be installed."
"I am not sure, that would require some sort of rapprochement with the opposition and The Khan before departing for UAE on Sunday stated that he had had enough of trying to deal with the opposition..."
"That is not a new action plan - it is reminiscent of the old Pakistan... Musharraf as President refused to go to parliament because the parliamentarians did not listen to his every word with admiration, the Chaudhrys were the exception. Then there was Zardari sahib who in spite of agreeing to reinstate Chief Justice Iftekhar Chaudhary preferred Musharraf's selection and viola Nawaz Sharif and his party used to not let him address the assembly quietly, yes there were deals even then and the opposition walk out would allow Zardari sahib to deliver his speech in peace and quiet ....Then there was Nawaz Sharif who dismissed The Khan and party's allegations when he was in power, and now the Khan..."
"I propose a constitutional amendment which defines how much respect is the prerogative of the prime minister when he enters the assembly!"
"We have had military dictators so instead of prime minister perhaps the chief executive may be a more appropriate..."
"Done, but going back to missing the boat I would like to bring to your notice that I would have expected a landlubber like The Khan, a guy who jogs and I never heard of him swimming, to use the expression miss the bus."
"God you are shallow!"
"But don't you think it's a more appropriate...."
"The Khan is not going to say miss the bus because whenever anyone talks of the bus he thinks of Shahbaz Sharif's jungla bus and I am not sure how to translate jungla into English..."
"So why did he approve the bus in Peshawar?"
"It's all in the name silly, it is not referred to as the jungla bus but as Peshawar Rapid Bus Transit..."
"Oh, good heavens!"
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